Zoznamenie pre Vás... ZOZNAMKO INZERCIA - ??? ??? Deltapiawwr (Gast)
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Происходит неисправность 210 на частотном приводе M700-03400078A. Другие приборы ATV61HU40N4S337, CIMRJ7AZ44P00, FR-A720-00460-NA установленные на компрессорах в норме.
Подсказку нашел в яндексе по запросу "Ремонт частотного преобразователя Delta VFD015F23A" prom-electric.ru/articles/1/180/ . Сгорел стабистор.
Успехов! | | | | Deltayybpbu (Gast)
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Вылезла error 180 на частотном приводе M800-05400300A. Аналогичные устройства ATV61EXC5C16N, CIMRV7CU22P24, CIMR-V7AZ25P51 на насосах без ошибок.
Расшифровку нашел через rambler по запросу "SKiiP26AC126V1" prom-electric.ru/media/SEMIKRON_DataSheet_SKiiP_26AC126V1_25230100.pdf . Заменил шунтирующий контактор.
Всего наилучшего! | | | | Deltawaitpt (Gast)
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Выскакивает неисправность err187 на частотном преобразователе M700-07401000A. Похожие устройства ATV61HC50Y, CIMR-XCBC40P4, FR-E720-240SC-NA на насосах функционируют.
Методику нашел в гугле по запросу "buk962r6-40e" prom-electric.ru/media/BUK962R6-40E.pdf . Оказалось сгорел черный позистор.
Всем удачи! | | | | Deltaqurywb (Gast)
| | or applications that communicate with the device. Compared to a an internal RS-232 port, a USB virtual COM port can have these differences at the host: • Longer delays when reading or writing to RS-232 status and control signals. • Longer delays when changing the parity type such as in 9-bit networking . In addition, data throughput at the receiving application can be slow in these situations: • Receiving less than 62 data bytes. The device prefers sending data packets of wMaxPacketSize with each packet consisting of 62 data byes plus two status bytes. A device that has less than 62 data bytes to send will wait for one of the following events to be true: the chip has accumulated 62 bytes to send, or the chip’s internal latency timer has timed out. The default latency time is 16 ms. • Receiving large blocks of data at bit rates of 38.75 kbps or higher. When the device continuously provides data packets of wMaxPacketSize, the driver holds the received data and passes it to the application when one of the following is true: the driver has received 4096 bytes, or the latency timer has timed out. At fast bit rates, the result can be delayed data at the application. 332 Using Special-function USB Controllers RS- 232 INTERFACE “ RS-232 CONNECTOR CIRCUIT WITH RS-232 INTERFACE RX TX I /0 PORT P I NS TXD RXD RTS# CTS# DTR# DSR# R I # DCD# VCC VCC I 0 USBDM USBDP 3V30UT AGND GND GND GND TEST ^lONF — Cvl 3 t-5V q FERRI ТЕ v BEAD 1 I OONF VBUS D-D + GND USB CABLE -±r USB ' CONNECTOR MICROCONTROLLER OR OTHER CPU + I/O FT232R USB UART CIRCUIT CONVERTED TO USE A USB INTERFACE Figure 15-5: To convert a circuit from RS-232 to USB, replace the connections to RS-232 interface chip s with connections to an FT232R USB UART. 333 Chapter 15 For techniques to improve data throughput in the above situations, see FTDI’s application note AN232B-04: Data Throughput, Latency, and Handshaking. 334 Using Generic USB Controllers Chapter 15 described how to use USB device controllers designed s prom-electric.ru | | | | Deltaaqqbyq (Gast)
| | Implementing Delays On receiving a valid command, the code calls the prepare_to_respond function, which either starts the delay timer and sets network_state to “d" or sets network_state to “t" as appropriate. If delay_before_responding is defined, on receiving a valid command, the device starts a timer and serial communications enter the “d" state. On each pass through the task loop, the code calls check_response_delay to find out if the delay time has elapsed. If so, the routine stops the timer and switches to the “t" state. 296 An RS-485 Network If delay_before_responding isn’t defined, the timer never starts and communications never enter the “d" state. pbp prepare_to_respond: response_index = 0; if delay_before_responding = 1 then gosub start_response_delay_timer network_state = "d" else network_state = "t" endif return C18 void prepare_to_respond void response_index = 0; #if defined delay_before_responding start_response_delay_timer ; network_state = 'd'; #else network_state = 't'; #endif The start_response_delay_timer function initializes and starts the timer. pbp start_response_delay_timer: 1 This example sets a delay of around 0.5 second assuming FOSC = 4 MHz. 1 Timer enabled, 16-bit, internal clock, prescaler = 256. T0CON = $87 1 Load the timer with F800h. TMR0L = $00 TMR0H =$F8 return 297 Chapter 13 C18 void start_response_delay_timer void // This example sets a delay of around 0.5 second assuming FOSC = 4 MHz. OpenTimer0 TIMER_INT_OFF & T0_16BIT & T0_SOURCE_INT & T0_PS_1_256 ; WriteTimer0 0xf800 ; The check_response_delay function finds out if the delay time has elapsed and if so, changes the network_state variable to enable sending a response: pbp check_response_delay: if delay_before_responding = 1 then if INTCON.2 = 1 then 1 The delay time has elapsed. 1 Stop the timer and set network_state to enable responding. T0CON = 0 INTCON.2 = 0 network_state = "t" endif endif return C18 void check_response_delay void #if defined delay_b prom-electric.ru |
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